Blog Heap of Links for the day 6 July 2018

Links in this view: 10

Political Theater

…handed out yard signs reading, “This home is a gun-free safe space…” “It’s amazing how many people took one and thanked us. They said they would put it in front of their house. I think it’s funny,” the Houston-area Republican told the newspaper, adding: “Nobody should put this in front of their house.”…

4:14pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

Trump Derangement

…Boynton Beach homeowner Jeff Good was just relaxing and enjoying the holiday when a car pulled up and a stranger demanded that he take the flag down and denounced the president.

Mr. Good refused and was punched right in the face by the thug. He then instinctively punched back but got his arm stuck in the car as the driver sped off, dragging the homeowner a short distance resulting in minor injuries.…

Seems to be a lot of this kind of thing percolating lately. Hmmmm…
5:38pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

Police have arrested Kino Jimenez, the 30-year-old San Antonio man who is accused of assaulting a teenage Trump supporter at a Whataburger on the Fourth of July.… Hunter Richard, 16, says that he was eating at Whataburger on July 4th when Jimenez grabbed his MAGA hat, threw a drink in his face and used a racial slur before strutting out of the burger restaurant, still holding the red cap.… In 2016, he posted a video of a Trump pinata being destroyed…

Real nice guy.
10:41am CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

It's All in Your Mind

…Just wanted to talk about a really nice moment in "Won't You Be My Neigbor?" the movie I talked about in an earlier thread. Fred Rogers had a lot of silence in his show. He would feed the fish and not say anything, or he would ask a question and then not say anything- allowing the audience to think. He apparently believed that silence was an important and valuable discipline and I agree with him.…

4:03pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

Theory of Justice

Shoko Asahara has been executed after being on death row for nearly 14 years…
He was the leader of the Aum Shinrikyo cult which carried out the 1995 atrocity…
The cult dumped bags of sarin on rush-hour trains causing horrendous injuries…
Four other cult members were also hanged and eight more remain on death row…

10:19am CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

US Judicial Branch

…Have liberals ever had a worse week than this (since November 8, 2016 that is)?…

Good graphics, week of Jun 30.
4:11pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

Breitbart is Here


Independence Day may technically be over, but is there ever a time not to be a proud American? Plus, more wicked funny posters about lots of other stuff.…

Been too long since I've linked to Bookworm — we'll see if I can stay with it.
5:24pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

…On this day in 1535 Sir Thomas More was executed for treason against King Henry VIII of England. His treason was refusal to acknowledge Henry VIII has the head of the church in England. This has led to a play and two major movies named A Man For All Seasons.

Vic brings the history and the headlines.
1:05pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW

President Donald Trump

…In 1984, the New York Times told us that @realDonaldTrump would be our best president.…

4:00pm CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW
Smiling Trump

…31yo man from India has shrine to Trump…

Video at link
10:17am CDT Fri 2018 Jul 6 :MW