Blog Heap of Links for the day 27 June 2018

Links in this view: 3


…“I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them,” Key said. “If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.”

In fact, the police identified Key’s telephone number and found him quickly.…

4:28pm CDT Wed 2018 Jun 27 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Joe Dan Gorman

Unhinged, crazy, hateful, insane, lunatic, mental patient, crack-head, bizarre, mean, fanatic, deranged, stupid, idiotic, angry, irrational, paranoid, preposterous, psychotic, cuckoo, daft, demented, degenerate, vile, vulgar, ill-informed, etc…

None of these words are strong enough descriptors for todays political left in America.…

Joe Dan lets loose with another froglegs.
2:05pm CDT Wed 2018 Jun 27 :MW
Ace of Spades

…Midweek and in the wake of a couple of huge SCOTUS decisions that saw the restoration of Executive authority and upholding of First Amendment religious freedom principles, as well as the continued success of the president, both in messaging and tangible policy goals, the Democrat-Left-Media complex is now in free-fall. That is both welcome and alarming.…

JJ has a couple of comments and links for you. And by a couple, I mean more than a couple.…
1:11pm CDT Wed 2018 Jun 27 :MW