Blog Heap of Links for the day 31 May 2018

Links in this view: 2

Political Theater

FEWWWWWEEEEEEE! "All hands on deck!" came the sounds from the loudspeaker as the crew assembled. … "Trump is evil! He breathes! Air is evil!"…

The long and winding saga rumbles on
9:24am CDT Thu 2018 May 31 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Ace of Spades

…Thursday and the top story is the succumbing of Trey Gowdy to a bad case of swamp fever. It had been a slow and agonizing illness. That is, slow and agonizing to the American people who once looked to him as a wicked-smart conservative legal eagle and defender of the Constitution.…

JJ's up to his old tricks with reporting the actual news - how dast he!
9:04am CDT Thu 2018 May 31 :MW