Blog Heap of Links for the day 16 May 2018

Links in this view: 4

Under Tyranny

…Venezuela’s state-run oil firm PDVSA has bought nearly $440 million worth of foreign crude and shipped it directly to Cuba on friendly credit terms - and often at a loss…

6:10pm CDT Wed 2018 May 16 :MW

End of the World As We Know It


Keith Richards said Tuesday…

Shut up and smash a guitar.
3:59pm CDT Wed 2018 May 16 :MW

Breitbart is Here


…On this day in 1866 the United States Congress established the nickel. The first nickle was the 'shield nickle' and it was very unpopular. But remember, in 1866 a nickle really was worth a nickle. Decades later when I was young a nickle would buy you a soft drink or a candy bar.

Vic has Internet again and has noos.
10:09am CDT Wed 2018 May 16 :MW
Ace of Spades

…Evidently, some fake RINO stooge from California named Jeff Denham is leading a drive to get a discharge petition in the House that would bring a DACA Amnesty bill to the floor for a vote. Naturally, the sneaky CoC-whore waited until after yesterday's primaries to move ahead with this sellout. Although fellow Californian Kevin McCarthy seems to be taking the spineless "splunge" position, Steve Scalise is standing firm in fighting this disgusting, traitorous momzer's move.…

The webpage news of record - fair and - well, fair.
7:52am CDT Wed 2018 May 16 :MW