Blog Heap of Links for the day 25 September 2015

Links in this view: 4

Animal Companions


…"The little girl was coming off the curb and the dog stepped out in front of her keeping the car that was coming down through here from hitting her," neighbor Charles Saxton said. … "That truck came speeding down. They always do. He saved her life. Saved her from getting hit. I don’t know if it would have killed the girl or not but it mangled the dog pretty bad." The dog, nicknamed "Angel," is …at the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare Department. …being treated for a fractured leg. …

12:24pm CDT Fri 2015 Sep 25 :MW

Breitbart is Here

Posters political in both light and dark humor flavors.
11:58am CDT Fri 2015 Sep 25 :MW

1690 Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper to appear in the Americas…

And here's a link for you to read the actual paper…

7:18am CDT Fri 2015 Sep 25 :MW

…On this day in 1690 Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, the first newspaper to appear in the Americas, was published for the first and only time.…

Vic brings the news you need… or were trying to avoid.
7:10am CDT Fri 2015 Sep 25 :MW