Blog Heap of Links for the day 13 June 2015

Links in this view: 3

Breitbart is Here

Gates of Vienna Newsfeed

Muslims who live north of the Arctic Circle are scrambling to make up special rules for breaking their fast during Ramadan. This year the holy month falls during the time of the Midnight Sun, and there will be no sunrise or sunset to mark the beginning and end of the fasting period. To avoid a starvation situation, new rules are being discussed by Islamic scholars in Sweden so that the faithful may manage to have a meal each day while still abiding by the requirements of Islamic law.

In other news, the Finnish government is debating whether to allow any “Finnish” mujahideen to return from fighting jihad Syria, and if they do, how the veteran kinetic activists will be treated.

News headline links and summaries [Added day late]
11:57pm CDT Sat 2015 Jun 13 :MW

Special Report: Data Breach Worse than originally thought and Raises Concerns About Federal Government Ineptitude:

“Greatest intelligence failure since Edward Snowden.” And “coincidentally” both breaches happened under Obama.

Nice Deb's Saturday video selections (retroposted Sunday)
11:57pm CDT Sat 2015 Jun 13 :MW

…On this day in 1971 the New York Times began the publication of the Pentagon Papers.…

News links and how to thinks from Vic start here today.
7:06am CDT Sat 2015 Jun 13 :MW