Blog Heap of Links for the day 3 April 2015

Links in this view: 3

Lost and Found

… he told his family he was "going into the open water to sail and do some fishing," said his mother… more than two months alone in a sailboat at sea, living on fish and rainwater…

7:28am CDT Fri 2015 Apr 3 :MW

Breitbart is Here


Pete tosses the dough, slathers on the sauce, and adds the cheese to the latest world round-up. [Belatedly, retroactively added to Friday]

"It’s pretty commonly known to those of us with more than a spoonful of functioning brain cells that the left is populated by nuts. Not a little nuts, but full-goose, frothing at the mouth, veins bulging from the neck, spittle-flying madness. …"

10:55am CDT Fri 2015 Apr 3 :MW
Geezer Vic

Vic brings the world down to a few choice karate chops, starting here today.

"On this day in 1882 Jessie James was shot in the back of the head by Robert Ford. Ford himself was later killed by a man named Edward O'Kelly who called his name while his back was turned in a saloon and then fired both barrels of a shotgun into him."

7:22am CDT Fri 2015 Apr 3 :MW