Blog Heap of Links for the day 20 December 2012

Links in this view: 1

Defending Ourselves

Since it seems its always criminals that do these shootings, they should pass a law banning criminals. Law abiding people abide by laws, especially when they own guns.

We've tried laws abridging our civil right to carry guns. We've tried 22,000 of them. That's the number of anti-gun laws on the books in America. They don't stop criminals from doing criminal things.

This is my first proposal: What we really need is laws banning murder, attempted murder, and so forth. With punishments! Threatening criminals with punishment will work. It just hasn't been tried yet.

Gun-free zones are great places for criminals to go murdering with guns, which they almost always attain illegally (since they're criminals, you see.) This is probably because they know that it is unlikely that someone who obeys laws will be there to shoot back (since they are law-abiders, you see.) Since 1950, all but one mass killing has happened in a gun-free zone!

My second proposal, then, is to ban gun-free zones. If they do not exist, then the criminals won't know where it is safe for them to go murdering. Since criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, this may in some way deter them from going for the easy, no-risk murders.

It is also clear that where gun laws are strictest, murder rates by guns are the highest.

Therefore, I believe national, comprehensive guncare is a pressing issue of the highest priority. This is my third proposal. Let everyone who can afford a handgun buy one, or if they don't, pay a fine. And let them pay just a little more to make sure the most vulnerable among us can get affordable guns that will protect them in dire circumstances.

The Affordable Care Act is a good blueprint for what such a law should look like, and I call on Speaker Boner to draft and pass such a comprehensive gun care law for the good of the country- and for the children.

Some say we cannot afford to make everyone in America a gun owner. There are still some 100 million of us unprotected. To those folks, I will simply say we cannot afford to see another criminal in a gun-free zone prey upon the most vulnerable; we cannot afford NOT to act to stop the next Newtown massacre.

6:45pm CST Thu 2012 Dec 20 :MW