Blog Heap of Links for the day 5 July 2011

Links in this view: 25


Hillary ClintonWhy does the US Secretary of State claim that a movement endorsing and inciting the killing of both Israelis and her own country's soldiers is 'peaceful and committed to non-violence'? Does she not know about the Brotherhood's role in inciting such killings? Does she not care?

6:53pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

More people than I anticipated recognized that our government today has taken on many of the characteristics of the British government that the Founders sought to "dissolve the political bands" of 235 years ago.

4:05pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Lieutenant General John Allen told the Senate Armed Services Committee today that the Afghanistan decision President Obama announced last week was not among the range of options the military provided to the commander in chief. Allen's testimony directly contradicts claims from senior Obama administration officials from a background briefing before the president's announcement.

2:42pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

The smoking gun evidence that annuls Obama's presidency is Obama's college transcripts regarding his application for and receiving of foreign student aid. Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. ... Registration transcript states ~ Name: Barry Soetoro - Religion: Islam - Nationality: Indonesian ... There seems to be no record of Obama legally changing his first name from Barry to Barack. ...

1:52pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

So in Government Motors, we have a car company that makes cars that fall apart — or don't make any money at all. That adds multi-million dollar solar panels to production plants - to save thousands of dollars in energy. That was supposed to turn We the People a profit — but is instead going to end up costing us tens of billions of dollars. On which President Obama is campaigning for reelection — as a "success." Again, you'll have to consult your Government-to-English dictionary.

1:08pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Wars and Rumors

While it appears to be sparsely attended, it isn't because people didn't want to be there. It looks like a ghost town because people couldn't be there. Another enchanting American tradition clobbered by jihad. But let's pretend that it isn't happening.

11:37am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Know the Enemy

There is no end to the stupidity that islam forces people to endure.

1:19pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

aside from the lying and NewAge cultism, what stood out for me is the whoring-your-way-to-the-top ethos, and the men she used (or was used by) to get there

12:25pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

This video has scenes from "Obsession". Please tell all of those you love about the radicalization of Islam. Song: "Sin" - by: Blistur

10:49am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Over the course of the past ten years of covering the global jihad, with a particular interest in how it is assaulting America and Europe, I had amassed so much firsthand, on-the-ground information via my investigations and interviews that I felt I had to sit down and combine it all into one comprehensive volume. My goal in that regard was simple: to wake Americans up before we find ourselves in Europe's predicament. Europe's restive, growing and radicalized Muslim populations are changing the very face of the Old Continent as its governments largely look on impotently, crippled by political correctness and a complete lack of cultural self-confidence. ... 81 percent of U.S. mosques feature literature that advocates violence ... the Iranian regime is the greatest threat to America's — and the world's — security and the most powerful standard bearer for expansionist, anti-Western jihad. So I am deeply concerned about Iran attacking the American homeland through an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) attack, the likes of which the mullahs have already tested (and which I describe in the book). I'm also concerned that Iran will act through its proxy, Hezbollah, to attack targets in the U.S. and throughout the Western Hemisphere. Lastly, a 2010 Pentagon report warning that Iran may have an intercontinental ballistic missile capability as early as 2015 — meaning the Iranians would be able to hit the East Coast of the United States with missiles that will very likely be nuclear-tipped — was not exactly comforting.

10:39am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

It's All in Your Mind

Because an individual's score may have important consequences for his or her future, and because the potential for harm if the test is used or administered incorrectly is considerable, Hare argues that the test should only be considered valid if administered by a suitably qualified and experienced clinician under controlled and licensed conditions.

2:15pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Obamaa disproportionate number of psychopaths can be found in high places. Over the following months, I spoke to scores of psychologists who all said the same. Everyone in the field seemed to regard psychopaths in this same way: inhuman, relentlessly wicked forces, whirlwinds of malevolence, forever harming society but impossible to identify unless you're trained in the subtle art of spotting them, as I now was.

2:11pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Policing Ourselves

On May 11, 43-year old Allen Kephart died after being tased multiple times by three San Bernardino, California sheriff's deputies during a routine traffic stop. Kephart, a quiet and well-liked member of the tight-knit mountain community around Lake Arrowhead, allegedly ran a stop sign and became "combative" during the stop. But local residents say this claim is wildly out of character for Kephart.... a case study in how law enforcement can lose the support even of citizens who believe strongly in law and order.

6:45pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Sarah Palin 2012

Sarah Palin 45x45We talked about Erika's upbringing in her father's extremely conservative evangelical church and my own Catholic faith. It was an opportunity to remind her that God called women to service as political leaders in biblical times. We recounted the stories of Deborah, Ruth and Queen Esther. As a little girl my daughter was enamored with the story of Queen Esther. "Mom, Perhaps Sarah Palin has been called to service "For such a time as this".

5:22pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Sarah Palin 45x45These 43 assorted Beltway insiders, pundits, columnists, talk show hosts, political television show hosts, religious leaders,"progressive" and other bloggers all agree on one subject (or variations thereof) "Sarah Palin won't run for president in 2012."

5:14pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Sarah Palin 45x45Many reviews already have appeared of "The Undefeated," the soon-to-be-released documentary about Sarah Palin's tenure in Alaska. Yet none of them -- even in The Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post or -- mentions that nearly all of the film's many pro-Palin media talking heads are Jews. The dominant meme that Jews as a group are uncomfortable with Palin or her views seems less than convincing after viewing prominent Members of the Tribe defend her politics and record in elected office. Internet news mogul Andrew Breitbart, nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin and L.A.'s radio phenom Tammy Bruce, a gay Jewish Palinista with a Tammy's Army of followers, all deliver full-throated tributes to one of America's most conservative political figures. Following a recent Manhattan screening of the director's cut of "The Undefeated," I mentioned this to filmmaker Stephen Bannon. He replied that he had not taken note of their Jewishness in choosing to include them. That in itself is significant: Jews have become so commonplace in the conservative new media that the fact of their Jewish identity fails to garner much notice.

1:16pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

the scrutiny Bachmann receives is way beyond anything Veep Joe knows. They question her very sanity. "Are you hypnotized?" Chris Matthews asked Bachmann last November. Later he would refer to her as a "balloon head." From Andrew Breitbart to Bill Bennett, there has been a gentlemanly rush to defend these political ladies against the onslaught. While Democrats drone on about a "War on Women," one could argue they actually wage one, in more ways than one.

1:13pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Sarah Palin 45x45Ironically, today, both Palin and Perry are considering a presidential run in 2012. And while neither the former Alaskan Governor nor the current Texas Governor is showing their hand at the moment, you can be sure the MSM will be doing all they can to bring down either of them if in fact they declare their candidacy. Because of this, and because I really believe either Palin or Perry would beat Obama handily, I've decided to hope for a Palin/Perry 2012 ticket (and I'd be just fine with a Perry/Palin one as well).

12:52pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Defending Ourselves

SB 93 does indeed make it clear that any private property owner not wanting firearms on their property may post that information. Soglin wants to reverse this provision in Madison and Dane County so that property owners who are willing to have firearms on their property must be the ones to post. The bill's pretty clear. You can't post an entire city, much less reverse the wording of the statute just because you feel like it. But I wish the mayor luck in superseding state law and with all of the inevitable lawsuits that will come rolling his and County Exec Parisi's direction. Of course, in his zeal to keep law-abiding citizens from carrying concealed in Madison and the surrounding area, Soglin simultaneously demonstrates a remarkable amount of trust that criminals would respect his concern for the "safety" of city residents. Criminals, of course, already carry concealed…without a permit…and will likely continue to do so…despite their undoubtedly great respect for Mayor Soglin's wishes. Perhaps they could be convinced only to engage in burglaries and to target places where they're sure everyone's already left the office or no one's home. That seems like a plan…

11:06am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Free Expression

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Starting Friday, Tennessee drivers caught with obscene or patently offensive bumper stickers, window signs or other markings on their vehicle visible to other drivers face an automatic $50 fine.

11:18am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

US FlagTo recap, the Houston National Cemetery Director, Arleen Ocasio, requires grieving families to not use the words "God" or "Jesus" at any personal funeral ceremony without her written approval. ... Ms. Ocasio is not being inclusive of other religions, she is against freedom of religion and against freedom of speech. Her tyranny in treating our veterans and their families as "customers" must no longer be tolerated. ... Houston wants a new Director. Immediately. We demand it. Political correctness is out of hand in our country. Today is Independence Day and here in Houston, Texas, just as what began 235 years ago, we stand with our veterans, their families and friends in declaring our freedom from tyranny again.

10:59am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Independence Day 2011

US FlagNow check out how long it took for slavery to end around the world and which countries held out the longest!

2:18pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

US Flag"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling that thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he will fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety is a more miserable creature and has no chance of ever being free unless by the efforts of greater men then himself. " -John Stuart Mill I read this quote in the past couple days and it struck me square in the face. The ideology of modern western thought was forged on the American continent from the effort and struggle to survive that imbued us with a fierce sense of independent thought and rugged individualism culminating with the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE and the birth of a nation. This is what the Declaration of Independence was talking about in the first paragraphs.

10:37am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

Ronald Reagan - still with us

US FlagIn recent years, however, I've come to think of that day as more than just the birthday of a nation. It also commemorates the only true philosophical revolution in all history.

1:49pm CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW

US FlagOver the past week, Reagan statues went up in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary. And now, one went up in the gardens outside the American Embassy in London (the embassy will be moving soon, though not the statue of Reagan, nor the ones of FDR and Dwight Eisenhower).

11:02am CDT Tue 2011 Jul 5 :MW