Blog Heap of Links for the day 12 April 2011

Links in this view: 4

Playing Politics

The Goldwater Institute, a think tank and advocacy organization dedicated to the limited-government principles of its namesake, plans to sue, if necessary, to see that Arizona's constitution is respected. So the city, which has been dilatory regarding documents sought by the institute, is threatening to sue the institute, which warned bond rating agencies and others about its possible constitutional lawsuit. Glendale correctly says that the lawsuit will add a risk premium to its cost of borrowing.... John McCain, who holds the Senate seat once occupied by Barry Goldwater but does not hold Goldwater's views about governmental minimalism, calls the institute's actions "disgraceful" and "basically blackmailing": "It's not their role to decide whether the Coyotes should stay [here] or not." Well. Constitutions do not impress the co-author of the McCain-Feingold assault on the First Amendment (his law restricts political speech)....

1:40pm CDT Tue 2011 Apr 12 :MW

Transport Near-Tragedy

A superjumbo jet taxiing out to the runway clipped the tail of another plane at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport on Monday night, spinning it like a toy.

1:22pm CDT Tue 2011 Apr 12 :MW


Old One says: April 11, 2011 at 7:05 pm (Quote) What a piece of work. Sanger was truly a vile person. Margaret's eugenicists doctor acolytes in that progressive paradise of Minnesota forcibly aborted (she was told she suffered a miscarriage) & secretly sterilized the wife of my mother's cousin when she was hospitalzed for what was diagnosed as nervous disorders in the late 1930s. … Many doctors of that period had taken up Sanger's eugenics ideology & put them into practice. the lady lived a normal productive life, raised two adopted children but lamented until the day she died at age 90 not having her own children. It was only 50 years later that her adopted son learned she had been aborted & secretly sterilized while hospitalized. … Big Brother Obliara now tells us we should all love our elite intellectual betters and fund with taxpayer dollars our "betters" at Planned parethood. Not I say! … Margaret Mead was another sick academic puppy of the same progressive time & mentality and now their ideological descendants are back in power wreaking havoc upon us, our nation, & the world. We must not remain silent.

5:12pm CDT Tue 2011 Apr 12 :MW

US Military Casualties

US FlagA drone missile strike killed a US Marine and a Navy medic last week by mistake, in what appeared to be the first instance US troops had been killed in a "friendly fire" incident involving an unmanned aircraft.

1:24pm CDT Tue 2011 Apr 12 :MW