Blog Heap o'Art of Links 23 July 2015

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Links regarding art of all types
and related themes like cartoons and comics,
copyright, media, illusion, and pop culture.

Art of

All the Little Supergirls Looking Up
Andrew Steinbeiser, Thu 2015-Jul-23 8:32pm

…[CBS] recently invited 400 mothers and their daughters to attend a live screening of Supergirl, but then leaped above everyone’s expectations in a single bound by bringing Supergirl herself, actress Melissa Benoist, out to meet the crowd. … [video]

Putting On the S
Andrea Towers, EW Thu 2015-Jul-23 8:29pm

“In some ways it has hit me, and in other ways it hasn’t,” the former Glee star said of her new role. “I am fully aware of how much Supergirl means to her fans and how much she has the ability to affect people for the better, but I’m not sure I am quite aware of how large that circle of affectation is — and I might not be until the show begins to air in the fall.”