Blog Heap o'Art of Links 3 June 2012

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Links regarding art of all types
and related themes like cartoons and comics,
copyright, media, illusion, and pop culture.

Art of

Richard Dawson, R.I.P.
Mark Evanier, News from ME Sun 2012-Jun-3 8:53pm
The "word" on Richard Dawson, who has died at the age of 79, is that he set out to be Peter Sellers or Jack Lemmon and was frustrated that he wound up being Bill Cullen…. I had one brief (very brief) encounter with Mr. Dawson around 1983…. [I knew turning to ME for this would be the right link to do.]
Dick Beals
Dick Beals, R.I.P.
Mark Evanier, News From ME Sun 2012-Jun-3 1:43pm
The legendary Dick Beals — a star of radio, cartoons and more commercials than just about anyone — has died in a Southern California nursing home at the age of 85.
Doc Watson
An appreciation: Doc Watson, flatpicker, song stylist, messenger
Randall Roberts, LA Times Sun 2012-Jun-3 1:20pm
Doc Watson, who died Tuesday at age 89, never had a hit record, and none of his albums ever went gold. This truth, a shame considering his talent, his influence on the guitar and the beauty of his dynamic baritone, should serve as inspiration to any musician interested in the long game, in making music that endures not because of its shock value or its keen marketplace vision but because within its measured tones lies universal truth.