Blog Heap o'Art of Links 2 September 2011

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Links regarding art of all types
and related themes like cartoons and comics,
copyright, media, illusion, and pop culture.

Art of

USA flag
Were Colonial Americans More Literate than Americans Today? Fri 2011-Sep-2 7:03pm
…the proportion of Americans today who are able to understand Common Sense (13%) is smaller than the proportion that bought Common Sense in 1776 (20%).
Check out For Better or For Worse animated series Fri 2011-Sep-2 6:59pm
They really kept the show in line with the spirit and look of the strip.
20 Calvin and Hobbes Mashups Fri 2011-Sep-2 6:58pm
I can think of no other modern comic strip that inspires such fiercely passionate fandom as Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson's masterful work has also inspired some fans to mix up the titular duo with other pop culture figures.
Forty and Counting: Bill Griffith's Zippy Fri 2011-Sep-2 6:39pm
Zippy, the character, not the comic strip, passed the forty-year milestone late last year, and on May 26, the comic strip celebrated its 25th anniversary, just the day before its creator, Bill Griffith, made a presentation at the annual convention of the National Cartoonists Society, a happy coincidence that escaped our attention altogether at the time. But to make up for our dereliction, we're reprinting (and updating slightly) an interview we enjoyed with Griffith and published in Cartoonist PROfiles No. 101 (March 1994).
Cap's shield
Jack Kirby's Birthday Original Artwork Gallery Fri 2011-Sep-2 9:59am
Jack Kirby (1917-1994) was born today 94 years ago. Kirby was one of the most influential comic book artists ever, and as a big fan I've been pleased to see several blog posts and tweets marking the occasion already this morning. And I also think this is one of those times that a picture really is worth a thousand words, so check out the gallery below for several examples of Jack's original artwork.
Jack Kirby, The King of Comics, Would Have Been 94 Years Old Today Fri 2011-Sep-2 9:39am
Jack Kirby, the mighty heart of the American comic book industry, would have been 94 years old today. …a tiny, even insignificant sample of his awesome image-making power, many of which were culled from around the Internet…
Join or Die
Auction: Original copies of Franklin's "Join, or Die" cartoon Fri 2011-Sep-2 9:33am
Four pages of a 1754 edition of The Pennsylvania Gazette featuring the first editorial cartoon ("Join, or Die" by Benjamin Franklin) is now up for auction and is expected to fetch more than $100,000.