Blog Heap o'Art of Links 7 March 2011

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Star Trek - still with us

'Capt. Kirk' greets crew before Discovery leaves space station Mon 2011-Mar-7 2:16pm
Discovery's astronauts got a special greeting in advance of their space station departure. Actor William Shatner, who played Capt. James T. Kirk on the original "Star Trek" television series and movies, paid tribute to Discovery's voyages over the decades. "Space, the final frontier," Shatner said in a prerecorded message. "These have been the voyages of the space shuttle Discovery. Her 30-year mission: to seek out new science, to build new outposts, to bring nations together on the final frontier, to boldly go and do what no spacecraft has done before." Shatner's words were followed by Monday morning's wake-up music, "Theme from Star Trek."